Day 119 - Meet Nasir! This exceptional Hawk discovered a lost wallet and promptly turned it in. His integrity shines brightly, exemplifying the best of our community spirit. We couldn't be prouder! #OneHawk

Day 118 – Our staff was treated to dual performances by the amazing LMHS Shades of Green Jazz Ensemble! These talented musicians are hard at work preparing for our upcoming Jazz MPA evaluation this Thursday. Best of luck, Hawks—you sounded incredible! 🎶 #OneHawk

Hawks, please see this internship opportunity: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUZWU0oeFBF3mi5rfo_CUx-GFBH2HiQYysG3GiCm8NrlAG4A/viewform

Hawks, here are your senior reminders/updates for the week.
1). You only have 9 more days to buy tickets to Grad Bash; Thursday 2/20is the last day to purchase tickets. See the post below this one for more information on that. Buy tickets on Revtrak, or bring cash to my room.
2). Caps and Gowns have now gone up in price. Orders need to be placed by 3/10. As of the end of last week we are still missing about 100 of you.
3). Starting this week, Mr. Manecci will be coming into English classes to meet with all seniors to verify the pronunciation of your names. Mr. Manecci will be the one calling names at graduation. If you are absent, just be patient and we will get to you at the end.
4). Prom is coming up and tickets will go on sale soon. The prom fashion show is on Friday, Feb 20th, where you can buy discounted tickets. Please see the document linked below, and email any questions to lewisj1@lake.k12.fl.us.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns,

Attention, Hawks! Get ready for the Annual Heart Hunt hosted by our incredible SGA! Join us for a day filled with love and fun as we celebrate together. Don't miss out! #OneHawk

Day 117 - A massive congratulations to Jainish, Adian, and Arya! They have emerged victorious in the science fair, and their project is now heading to the International Science Fair! Bravo, gentlemen! We are incredibly proud of your achievement! #OneHawk

Hawks, here is our Week at a Glance! Have a great one! #OneHawk

Meet Zoe! This amazing senior is our SGA President and successfully planned and led an SGA conference for all of Lake County! She’s a one-of-a-kind leader, and we are so fortunate to have her here at Lake Minneola. Continue to soar high, Zoe! #OneHawk

Day 116 - Please join us in congratulating Rees and Ian, who have been recognized by the Daughters of the American Revolution for their outstanding achievements! These seniors exemplify academic excellence and embody what it means to be exceptional Hawks in every way. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments! #OneHawk

Day 115 – Meet Josiah, our Hawk of the Day! 🦅
Josiah is a shining example of what it means to be a Hawk—compassionate, hardworking, and an all-around wonderful member of our school community. His positive attitude and dedication inspire those around him every day.
Way to go, Josiah! Keep soaring high! 💚💛 #OneHawk

Day 114 – A huge congratulations to our incredible students and staff! 🎉 Lake Minneola has officially been designated a National Demonstration School for AVID! We are proud to be the first high school in Lake County to receive this prestigious honor and one of only a handful in the entire state of Florida!
This achievement is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion we put in as a school community to ensure every Hawk is prepared for success beyond Lake Minneola. We could not be more proud of this milestone!
Let’s continue to soar higher together—#OneHawk 🦅💚💛

Hawks, please see this essay-scholarship contest! #OneHawk

Seniors- Please see this scholarship opportunity!

Come out and show your support for our Boys Lacrosse team at their Spirit Night!

Day 113 - Today was an incredible celebration as we honored 12 outstanding student athletes on National Signing Day! Their hard work and dedication have paid off, and we couldn't be prouder of their achievements. Here's to wishing each of them the very best on their future endeavors!

Day 112 - Meet Shiann, our Hawk of the Day! Shiann is being celebrated for her exceptional dedication and compassionate spirit. Her hard work and caring nature truly embody what it means to be a Hawk. Congratulations, Shiann, keep soaring high! #OneHawk

Day 113- This past weekend, the Key Club Zone Rally was held at UCF and current Club Secretary, Payton Ford, was elected Lieutenant Governor for Division 9B which includes SLHS, ERHS, LMHS, Montverde and 3 other regional area schools!!! Payton will take office after the District Education and Leadership Conference also known as DCON this April in Daytona Beach, FL! Congrats Payton! We know you will represent our Division well and help our area clubs increase their service in the community! #OneHawk

Day 112 – Congratulations to our Varsity Girls Basketball Team on their Senior Night celebration! 🏀🎉 Not only did they honor their seniors, but they also secured a big win! Well done, Hawks! 💚👏 Remember, once a Hawk, always a Hawk! #OneHawk 🦅

Hawks, please see these flyers about the upcoming transition fairs!

Below are your reminders/updates for the week.
1). You only have until Thursday 2/20 to buy tickets for Grad Bash. See the post below this one for more information on that. Buy tickets on Revtrak, or bring cash to my room.
2). Caps and Gowns have now gone up in price. Orders need to be placed by 3/10. As of the end of last week 404 out of the 572 graduates have ordered.
3). Prom is coming up and tickets will go on sale soon. Please see the document linked below, and email any questions to lewisj1@lake.k12.fl.us.
4). I have had a lot of emails about graduation tickets. Each student will get 10 free tickets, and additional tickets will be sold for $10 each. Additional tickets will go on sale after Spring Break via RevTrak.
More information, and links to all of the above can be found on the Google Class stream. Your students can join and then add you as a guardian; that is the best way to get updated on all things Senior related. The class code is da4j4f5.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns,