Hawks- please see this awesome scholarship opportunity, started by our very own senior, Noelle! #OneHawk
15 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Updates for Class of 2025 Seniors, Below are you reminders/updates for the week. 1). As of Friday, we still have 164 of you who have still not purchased your cap and gown. You have until March 10th; two more weeks to purchase. Please make sure you do so ASAP. 2). There will be a senior parent meeting on Wednesday, March 5th at 6pm in the Auditorium. Mr. Roberts, Mrs. Cavinder, and myself will be there discussing all things graduation, and answering any questions you may have. 3). Grad Bash permissions slips will be available starting on Monday, March 3rd. These must be filled out or you cannot attend. Once you fill it out, email or bring it to me and then you can come to my room and choose your bus. Permission slips will be available on this stream or in the folder in front of my door. Grad Bash tickets are NOT refundable or transferable. 4). Every graduate will receive 10 free tickets for Graduation. We have a limited number of extra tickets to sell and they will go on sale for $10 each on RevTrak beginning on Monday, March 17th. All tickets will be handed out at rehearsal; which is mandatory and will be on Thursday, May 22n beginning at 7:30 AM. 5). Tickets for the Senior Trip to Busch Gardens are still on sale for $116, or $55 if you have an annual pass. Senior trip is Wednesday, May 21st. 6). Finally, do not purchase any graduation cords until you speak with your club sponsor, coach, teacher, etc. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Katz Katzb@lake.k12.fl.us
16 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 127 – Meet Dominic, our Hawk of the Day! 🦅 This outstanding young man displayed honesty and integrity by finding another student's belonging and immediately turning it in to the front office. Way to go, Dominic! Keep up the great work! 👏
16 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Hawks, please see this opportunity! #OneHawk
16 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Hawks, please see this opportunity to travel abroad! #OneHawk
16 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Here's our week at a glance! Wishing you a fantastic last week of February! #OneHawk
17 days ago, Lake Minneola High
For those who attended the fashion show and are trying to purchase tickets, RevTrak is now OPEN! Your voucher code will be honored until 11:59pm on Feb. 22. The link is ONLY available once you’ve submitted the ticket reservation form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScl_bCBYtS6uZwO27grrr-MmyPH7gmSjDQo2OHrYvdvgKhKjQ/viewform We realize most have already done that. Please do so again BUT ENTER ZERO TICKETS if it’s the second time so you don’t throw off the numbers.  We appreciate your patience! Feel free to email with questions, but most everything you need to know can be found on the prom website: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFW2Nb2kwI/ucR_L1RFeJ5tMEgDgtuTmA/edit
19 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 126 – A huge congratulations to Hermione! 🎉 She was honored by the South Lake Chamber as the recipient of the prestigious Ray Goodgame Award for her incredible work ethic, character, and drive. We are beyond proud of her achievement! 💙💚 #OneHawk 🦅
19 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 125- Here is our Hawk of the Day, Kansas! She helped a student during an emergency situation. Way to go! #OneHawk
20 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 124: Join us in celebrating our Employees of the Week, Ms. Pautienus and Mr. Kelso! 🎉 These dedicated staff members go above and beyond to support our Hawks every day, making LMHS the place to be! Thank you for all that you do! 🦅 #OneHawk
20 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 123: Today, we hosted a student-run faculty meeting featuring incredible presentations from Key Club, FFA, and our AP Research students! Our students continue to impress with their leadership, knowledge, and dedication. We are so proud of them—they truly are the best! 🦅 #OneHawk
20 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 122 - A big shout-out to our fantastic LMHS FFA members for treating our hardworking faculty & staff to a special lunchtime surprise. Your generosity is truly appreciated, Hawks! #OneHawk
20 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Have you guessed the prom theme yet? There have been several new hints revealed on the prom website. Come to the fashion show tomorrow to find out who, if anyone, has guessed correctly. Remember: be the first to guess correctly and win a free prom ticket!
20 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Hawks, this week we celebrate Future Farmers of America (FFA) Week! Let's embrace the spirit of agriculture and leadership. #OneHawk
21 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Hawks, please see this opportunity! #OneHawk
21 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Seniors, Here are your updates/reminders for the week 1). The last day to purchase Grad Bash tickets is this Thursday, 2/20. All payment plans need to be finished by this date as well. More information about the procedures for the day we go and permission slips will be handed out beginning March 3rd. Students will not be able to choose their bus until their permission slip is in. 2). Please continue to order caps and gowns. The last day to order is Friday, March 10th. 3). Mr. Manecci will be coming through English classes soon to confirm the pronunciation of your names. If you are absent please be patient and we will get you on the back end. Dual Enrollment kids, we will get with you during graduation rehearsal. 4). There will be a senior class parent meeting on Wednesday, March 5th from 6-8 in the auditorium. Mr. Roberts, Mrs. Cavinder, and Myself will all be there discussing graduation, your last week, senior trips, fines, etc. Please make sure you mark it on your calendar and plan on attending. 5). Prom is coming up and tickets will go on sale soon. The prom fashion show is on Friday, Feb 20th, where you can buy discounted tickets. Please see the document linked below, and email any questions to lewisj1@lake.k12.fl.us. 6). Finally, do not purchase cords until you speak to your sponsor/coach/teacher/etc. Please continue to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Katz katzb@lake.k12.fl.us
22 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 121 – Meet Alexander, our Hawk of the Day! 🦅 This outstanding young man goes above and beyond by helping his teacher reset the classroom without even being asked! His initiative and kindness truly embody the Hawk spirit. Keep soaring, Alexander! #OneHawk 💚💛
22 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Hawks, this week we celebrate Future Farmers of America (FFA) Week! Let's embrace the spirit of agriculture and leadership. Have an outstanding week on the Hill! #OneHawk
24 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Hawks, please see these opportunities!
25 days ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 120 - Exciting news! Mr. Hernandez has been honored as one of three finalists for Rookie Teacher of the Year! We couldn't be prouder of his achievement and are thrilled as he competes for this prestigious district award! Go Mr. Hernandez! #OneHawk
26 days ago, Lake Minneola High