Day 9- A great day of learning at Lake Minneola! From pronunciations in Spanish class, to the game of telephone is our ASL class, we had an amazing day on the Hill! #OneHawk

Please help us celebrate our Hawk of the Day, Brandon! He helped with the distribution of textbooks, truly a wonderful example of OneHawk! Way to go, Brandon! #OneHawk

Girl's golf opened their season yesterday with a match against South Lake High. A HUGE congratulations to Brooklyn Rice for representing LMHS so well! If interested in joining our girl's golf team, please contact Ms. Curtis! #OneHawk

Day 8- Meet Wyatt, our Hawk of the Day! He found another student's ID, lanyard and AirPods, and promptly turned them in! He is a model Hawk! Way to go, Wyatt! #OneHawk

Day 7- We are AVID! Students already interacting with their notes to be college & career ready! Preparing our Hawks for "Life after the Hill!"

Attention Class of 2025- Here is a list of all the exciting events and important dates to make your senior year a memorable one! #OneHawk

If you wish to bring an outside guest to LMHS Homecoming, you must do the following:
1). Print out the document linked here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K8pjL-WhYSM3BbC9dvI8V1czwYqntWGWd7QlwFHWHcg/edit?usp=sharing
2). Bring the signed form, and all required documents, to Mrs. Cavinder in the front office by Friday, September 13, 2024.
3). DO NOT buy guest tickets until you get an approval back.
4). If you have any questions you may email katzb@lake.k12.fl.us or Cavinderk@lake.k12.fl.us

Day 6- A great morning with our Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) presenting their ideas, events and community service for the year! These are amazing campus leaders! #OneHawk

Homecoming 2024 is just around the corner! Tickets go on sale today through September 18th. You can pay in cash but this can be done only before or after school in 1-290. (Mr. Katz) - or use the QR Code and Pay on-line

Here is our Week at a Glance for the 2nd week of School! Have a great week! #OneHawk

Day 5- Our kickoff classic! Love our OneHawk spirit with our football team, cheerleaders, dancers & band! We had a packed house and the student section was amazing! This is Lake Minneola, this is OneHawk!

Homecoming 2024 will be here soon, the week of September 16th! Get ready Hawks! #OneHawk

Interested in one of the most influential student groups on campus? SGA is for you! See the application & recommendation forms linked in this message!
Member application: https://forms.gle/9DpHjdtthMmFrbfc9
Teacher recommendation: https://forms.gle/oLEegqMYLEuDNHFeA

Day 3- Great learning with Ms. Bryant's class today and our cheer team bringing the school spirit in time for our 1st football game! Go Hawks!

Day 2- Another great day on the Hill! Team building in Mr. Stokes class, met with our amazing sophomores and we had a former LCS student share her journey in our aviation class!

Day 1- We are back! What a great first day, our Hawks are awesome! We met with the Class of 2028 to set the expectations for a great year! Off to a fantastic start! #OneHawk

The 1st day of school is Monday! Please drive safely around our campus as we have a lot of pedestrians! Traffic will be slow & some busses will be late, but that will improve! Students please check your schedules Monday morning in FOCUS as they are being revised over the weekend.

Help us celebrate Ms. Kayla Moon was voted in as Florida FFA District President! The primary responsibility of a district officer is to serve the Florida FFA Association, Agricultural Education and Agriculture as an ambassador! #OneHawk

Attention Hawks- Schedules go live today! If you would like to request a change, please use the digital form attached. Only submit it once as your first submission is the only form our team will review! #OneHawk

We had an exciting start today! Starting with our fantastic new teachers and focusing on continuing to "build a legacy of excellence," we will have an amazing year! Special thanks to the LMHS Marching Green & Gold for welcoming our teachers back!