Day 43- We are excited to announce that two of our students auditioned for the Carnegie Hall National Honors Performance Series and received great news! Senior, Jonathan Taylor has been selected as a finalist for their Concert Chorus and sophomore, Abbie Darulla has been selected as a 1st Runner Up. We are so proud of their accomplishments! Jonathan will perform in NYC at Carnegie Hall in February!
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 42- A huge thank you to our SGA who helped to make our Pinktober volleyball game the best, yet! Thank you to all who supported this amazing cause! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Join us for pancakes! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Hawks- We are excited to welcome you back to the Hill on Monday! Here is our week at a glance! We have several senior nights and best wishes to our volleyball team who are in the playoffs this week! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Hawks, please see the updates due to the storm. Stay safe, Hawks! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
We are excited to announce the HBCU Week College Fair Thursday, October 3, 2024; 7:45 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Disney Wide World of Sports! More than 40 universities from the nation’s HBCUs are expected to be present, with some offering four-year scholarships!
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 41- A HUGE shoutout to Birds of Play for the amazing performance last week! The students were on point, the crew did amazingly and the sets were superb! Way to go! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
So proud of our hawk swimmers! The Hawks swim team raced in Ocala today at the Florida Mid Conference meet. The Boys were 1st overall and the Girls were 2nd overall out of 15 teams. It was a total team effort with Coach Alex Baxter leading our Hawks to a day of fast swimming.
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
swim 3
swim 2
Day 40- This is Maja, our Hawk of the Day! She is a wonderful, hard-working Hawk who is kind to all and represents the Hawk's Creed so well! Congrats, Maja! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Today we enjoyed serving our custodians, as we celebrated National Custodian Day! thank you for ALL you do for our school community! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 39- Our Hawk of the Day is Logan! He exudes positivity and is always ready for class! Way to go, Logan! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Please join us in wearing purple on Friday, in honor of Sherman! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 38- This is Joshua, our Hawk of the Day! He was nominated because, "he makes everyday brighter!" He is such a positive and thoughtful Hawk, we could not be more proud of him! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Another great afternoon for our Hawk bowlers! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Day 37- Incredible reading, writing and thinking in the AICE General Paper presentations! So excited to have this opportunity for our Hawks! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Seniors, Herff Jones will be in the cafeteria this Thursday 10/3 and Friday 10/4 to take Cap and Gown orders and answer any questions you may have. The basic Cap and Gown package will run you $70.71 (tax included). If you miss this window you can always purchase on-line at the link below. Duel Enrollment students you are welcome to come onto campus during lunch to purchase; however, make sure you check in in Ms. Parrish at the attendance office first.;jsessionid=qKFMZ_80XEQWGAYtF52nuPgs.inxx614
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
On Friday, we will canvas the campus in purple in honor of Sherman Vannoy. We are always, OneHawk!
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Our annual tradition, Pink-Out Volleyball Game , is back! See the details in the attached flyer for this great event! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Here is an exciting opportunity for interested seniors looking to go the EMT route (see attached)! #OneHawk
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Pig on the Pond season is approaching! We have several volunteer opportunities available and we have staff on hand to sign off on volunteer hours. Students can access those opportunities here:
5 months ago, Lake Minneola High
Pig on pond