Today's Choice for Tomorrow's Future

Medicaid Programs


Lake County Schools Medicaid Program Overview

Lake County Schools participates in the Florida Schools District Administrative Claiming Program (SDAC) as well as the Florida Certified School Match/Fee for Service Program. Reimbursements generated from these programs are used to enhance and provide service in our schools.

Reimbursable services include:

·       Administrative outreach to the Florida Medicaid program

·       Coordination/Monitoring of student health services

·       Speech/Language Therapy

·       Physical Therapy

·       Occupational Therapy

·       Behavioral Services

·       Nursing Services

·       Specialized Transportation


We want you to know:

  • Your consent for Lake County Schools to release personally identifiable information for Medicaid reimbursement does not affect Medicaid services outside the school district setting with private providers.

  • Your permission will not affect your private/personal insurance outside of school.
  • Your student will continue to receive services at school at no cost whether or not you give consent.

Medicaid Consent: Notice of Rights


For more information please contact:

Jenna Sorber, Project Manager


(352) 253-6572